by Micaela Morganelli The fashion world’s eclectic talent, Davide Muccinelli, lit up the Venice Film Festival’s red carpet with his exceptional collection. This prestigious runway witnessed the radiant presence of acclaimed actresses, including Marina Crialesi, Francesca Diprima, Alessandra Scarci, and Erica Zambelli, as well as the accomplished writer and journalist Patrizia Finucci Gallo, and film distributor Stefania Rifiordi. They adorned…
by Micaela Morganelli Exploring the Sustainable Fashion Revolution In a world where fashion trends come and go like the seasons, a new documentary series is taking center stage to shed light on a more sustainable and conscientious approach to style. “Green Is the New Black,” produced by Arret Film and created by Camilla Grandi, Alex Fanelli, and Alessio De Cicco,…
by Micaela Morganelli Focus su Economia Circolare nel Mondo della Moda Dopo una breve pausa estiva, Fondazione Fashion Research Italy (F.FRI) è pronta a rilanciare il suo ciclo di incontri dedicati alla moda sostenibile e al patrimonio della moda. Il primo appuntamento del secondo semestre è fissato per il 12 ottobre alle ore 17.00 presso l’headquarter bolognese di F.FRI e…
By Micaela Morganelli Unveiling the Struggles and Demands of the Entertainment Industry The world of entertainment, glamorous and captivating on the surface, often conceals the challenges faced by the very artists who bring its magic to life. In a bold move that has garnered attention and support, the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) has embarked…
By Micaela Morganelli A remarkable fusion of Nordic design sensibilities and Bolognese charm has given rise to a stunning private residence on Via Toscana in Bologna. Financier’s Bolognese Apartment Embraces Nordic Design Seeking a bespoke and exquisitely designed home filled with iconic furnishings, the homeowner, a financier by trade, embarked on a quest for an architect who understood the intricacies…
Di Micaela Morganelli Il Fashion Show in due atti degli studenti della Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, ha recentemente presentato con grande successo l’evento “HUMAN RELOAD. NABA Fashion Show 2023 – atto primo” e “HUMAN RELOAD. NABA Fashion Show 2023 – atto secondo”, tenutisi rispettivamente a Milano e Roma. Questi straordinari fashion show hanno…